Time: 16:00 Tuesday
Class: 08:00~13:00
Status: lazy nap, homeworkgalore.
Loc: Home
Phone rang.

"Your NEWclass will start on Thursday at nine o'clock in the morning.
Sorry about the inconvenience :), bye~"

So I'll need to check out the funny situation.
Time: 13:00 Wednesday
Class: 08:00~13:00 16:00~19:00
Status: homeworkgalore, confused.
Loc: Enrollment Office
"You're moved to another class?"
"I don't wanna be schedualed on Thursday morning."
"I checked the note, you cannot go back to the original class."
"....but I..."
"You can't."
"I want to know why."
"You need to talk to =========, will open the office after half hour."
Half hour later.
"I'm not in charge of this, talk to ++++."
Ten minutes later.
When I arrived on the office, two other classmates are already there with same problem.
"Why didn't we get notified? You should've told us that earlier."
"You are moved because it's back-to-back with Ann's Illustration Now, she said the class will get longer so you won't make to South Campus in time."
"So you just plugged us out in the third week?"
"Other students already noticed the back-to-back problem, only nine of you are forced moved."

".....hmkay, what about the homeworks and grades from the previous class? The new class?"
"You have to talk to the new teacher by yourself, here you go, glad you miss one week only."
"We are very sorry about the situation. :)"
So I walked back to workshop with new handouts from my new instructor while homework full-handed.

Cheers, I love writing. :(