Uppers are newer updates, older stuff are down below.
No new pics? Most of the new stuff I have at this moment are for works....and I lost my bloody Wacom pen.
Am I giving myself an excuse to buy a Cintiq? I tried one at the office and it was soooooooooo good.
<= woot 10000 hits (04/29/2008)
They are making a Ghost in the Shell live-action movie....

Damn I want to work in that film so bad, that's one of my biggest dream since I read the manga when I was in elementary school.
But all I can do now is doing a quick painting and putting a random logo on it....
For some reason I want to draw hot chicks with big guns, just like other Art Center Entertainment Design students.
W00t! More coming up!?

(random hip-hop background music)
Most of time I was looking at reference photos....
The pose for the middle one was jacked from Hong Ly's collection.
dude nice painting man, kinda wish the logo wasn't there so I can see the painting as a whole
I'll take that logo out later...
Starting this week I'll be working in Irvine.
Sweet man! Good to hear you got it. You deserved it.
hey steven. How is it going?
What company are u going to be working
for?? Anyways congrats!
Yo David, how are you doing?
I'm working in Read at Dawn at this moment.
I hope your dream comes true, its never too late, I'm sure it will happen. The painting of the city is bad ass dude, (Craig Mullins action!!)
Hope youre doing well.
ha. i thought cintiq is "not fo studunt" :)
Hey there, just in case you haven't seen the reply in trash cave, just wondering what kind of softwares do you use while doing these paintings like the ghost in the shell one? Thanks.
dude, where have you been? How's work going. Still think the stuff u have here is awesome. keep it up bud!
Good god I havn't been updating this blog since....100 years ago?
I'll sort out some stuffs that are not related to work so I can post it.
steven lives
No shit!
I just realized I barely did any personal work, lemme see if I can put on any of the scraped stuff from work.
awesome blog, do you have twitter or facebook? i will bookmark this page thanks. peace maria
I really like your blog and i really appreciate the excellent quality content you are posting here for free for your online readers. thanks peace klara.
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